Développer votre pédagogie avec Nantes Université

le CDP pro-actif aussi dans EUniWell

  • Du 03 février 2020 au 31 décembre 2021
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L'équipe du CDP contribue fortement à "l'Université européenne du bien-être" EUniWell en étant actrice de deux projets lauréats du premier appel à projet : EUniWell logo CDP
  • Enriched Reality for Education and Digital Well-Being (EREdWeB): This project explores the potential of state-of-the-art virtual reality technology for teaching, aiming at digital well-being. It will bring about groundbreaking research on the relation between virtual reality and education, namely regarding its cognitive, physiological, educational and social aspects. The project is led by the University of Florence and unites experts from the University of Birmingham, Leiden University, Linnaeus University and the University of Nantes.
  • Exploring new Territories in Academic Development: Instilling “Human Literacy” into our Educational Processes (EUniHuLi): Human Literacy is a concept relating to the ability of adapting well to diverse communication situations. It is about diversity and intercultural competence, but also relates to digital communication situations, which are now more than ever an everyday challenge for most of us. The project will work to instill Human Literacy with HE teachers and administrators, as well as students. It will exchange best practices and initiate innovative research and teaching. Led by the University of Cologne, the initial partners are the University of Birmingham, Leiden University, Linnaeus University, the University of Nantes and Semmelweis University.
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Mis à jour le 19 septembre 2022.